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Leadership Advice for Children
Chuck and the YGTK! team hope that parents and teachers will read this book together with their children and students, so they observe as their children explore and gain an understanding of what it takes to be a great leader. Through the book’s whimsical animals, children will grasp the concepts of continuous learning (the Caterpillar), confidence (the Duck story), courage (the Armadillo), teaming (the Dolphins), mentorship (the Eagle mom), diversity (the Dogs) and resiliency (the Scorpions). The book also includes pictures for the readers to color in!
Click below to purchase!
100% of Proceeds are Donated to Lupus Research and
Environmental Sustainability
Words of Advice for Young Leaders
Drawing on 30 years of experience, author Chuck Saia makes seven unforgettable analogies between the business world and the animal kingdom, from developing an armadillo’s thick skin to spotting scorpion-like managers to building a team of dolphins. Chuck’s direct and down-to-earth writing style makes for quick reading, inviting young leaders to sail through the book in one sitting. Click below to purchase!
100% of Proceeds are Donated to Lupus Research and
Environmental Sustainability

Apparel, coffee mugs, and more featuring the captivating memorable animals from the book YOU GOT THIS, KID! Merchandise designed by our great illustrator, Alexia Papavasilakis! Click below to access our official Redbubble.
The YOU GOT THIS, KID! Leadership Foundation is dedicated to advancing lupus research and making a positive impact on our environment through conservation efforts. Approximately 70% of all merchandise proceeds go to these efforts. The remaining go to operational costs. There is no profit thanks to the Saia family who are advocates for lupus awareness and environmental sustainability.
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